Home Remedies for Termite Control

Do home remedies for termite control really work? The truth of the matter is that when it comes to completely exterminating all traces of termites in your home, they seldom work by themselves. This has nothing to do with the integrity of the methods and everything to do with the fact that termites have a habit of burrowing deep into crevasses of your home that you simply can’t reach without professional help. However, there are some home remedies for termite control that work great as preventive measures. Here are a few tips for keeping termites out of your home.

One of the most commonly used home remedies for termite control would have to be simple prevention techniques. These include using wood that’s naturally resistant to termites for your decks, sheds, pools, and more. As termites thrive in humidity, be sure to keep stacked piles of wood, flower beds, and your compost heap far away from the foundation of your house. If you need to plant bushes or spread mulch near your home, make sure there are at least a few feet between them and the stone foundation. Finally, be sure to quickly get rid of any standing water near your home. You can do this by pointing rain gutters away from your home and absorbing any large puddles near your home.

Another lesser known home remedies for termite control would be to take advantage of the other insects in your yard. Do you wish there was a way to guard your home against termites? Ants happen to be a natural enemy of termites and will automatically attack any they find. While this isn’t a remedy to rely completely on, it can’t hurt to have mother nature on your side. In addition to this, you can also install traps near the vulnerable spots in your foundation to prevent anything from entering.

You can also use home remedies for termite control inside the home as well. Largely, they are similar to outdoor methods. If you have wooden counters, apply sealer regularly to keep water from absorbing into its surface and causing rot. Additionally, be sure to thoroughly caulk any cracks you may come across. As termites can’t burrow through stone, you may be able to prevent them from breeching your home.

Of course, there is always the chance that you may end up with termites despite your diligent preparations. In this case, it’s important to call your local termite control center. While it’s nice to be able to rely on home remedies for termite control, when it comes to completely ridding your house of termites, you can never be too careful. However, planting termite traps throughout your home is one of the more environmentally safe methods of killing termites. Learn more about different home remedies for termite control today!

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